All About Dachshunds!

by Kaitlyn Hennessy on April 01, 2024

Are you a fan of the world's favorite hot dog? The iconic "weiner dog" has been around for over 300 years, and is known for their hunting skills. Bred to hunt badgers, they have a high prey drive and love to go down tunnels. 

The miniature dachshund is technically under 11 pounds, which makes it a perfect size for someone looking for a smaller, active dog. While not build for strenuous running or swimming, they love to be "on the hunt" and love playing watchdog for their owners.

Their independent nature and tendency to follow a scent means that any dachshund owner should be very careful letting them off leash in an unfenced area.

Despite their athleticness, they are prone to IVDD (intervertebral disk disease) which means that the cushioning discs between the discs burst or bulge, which leads to pain and sometimes paralysis. Because of this, if you own a dachshund, invest in stairs, ramps, or another way to ensure your long backed friend isn't jumping on and off furniture (which places even more strain on their back).

Waldi the Dachshund was the first Olympic mascot for the 1972 Olympics in Munich, and during World War II, the Nazis claimed they had trained a dachshund to speak!

Remember freedom fries? The daschund had their own version! During World War I, to combat anti-German sentiment, the iconic dachshund was called a Liberty Hound! And the original script of the Wizard of Oz had "Otto the Doxie" rather than "Toto"!

Big or small, the legendary dachshund is known everywhere as being a wonderful family dog that enjoys activities with the whole family.