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Keep Your Treats Tiny!

by Kaitlyn Hennessy on March 28, 2024

I get a lot of questions about the size of dog treats and what kind of dog treats are best for your tiny dog. There will be another post coming soon about finding safe treats so stay tuned and watch out for that!

One of our biggest concerns with small dogs is weight gain. Obesity is a leading epidemic in dogs, and small dogs are no exception. They tend to be overfed (because they are just so darn cute!) and those extra pounds shorten their lifespans and increase the pressure on their already small and fragile bones/joints.

In terms of training, it's important to keep the treats small so that they are able to quickly ingest the treats within only 1-2 bites so they aren't overly distracted by the consumption of their reward. You can even use regular kibble as a training treat to not increase their caloric intake.

If you're worried about weight- try vegetables for dogs! Dogs can safely eat carrots, peas, small amounts of broccoli, green beans, spinach, sweet potatoes, beets, and celery! And who can forget blueberries!

We also love soft treats here at Bits and Paws. They allow the treats to be easily broken up no matter the size of your dog, and are usually easier to chew and ingest than hard treats.