Mental Stimulation: The Small Dog Secret!

by Kaitlyn Hennessy on May 08, 2024

Did you know that small dogs have higher energy levels and faster metabolism than large breeds? This high energy can be frustrating for owners who believed that their smaller friends would need less stimulation to stay happy. 

We think about larger herding breeds, like the Australian Shepherd, as needing a lot of exercise and "brain work" but we often forget that smaller breeds like the Dachshund and the Lhaso Apso were bred for hunting and as a watchdog, respectively. When dogs are bred for such tasks, their brain doesn't suddenly change- and that need for mental stimulation persists even into modern day life. 

Small dogs are also prone to boredom, with their busy brains and higher energy needs. This can lead to excessive barking, anxiety, and destructive behavior. An excessively barking dog can be attempting to get their owner's attention, as a sign that they are fearful or anxious, territorial, or because they are bored.

Many tiny dogs, due to their diminutive size or fragile nature, can't physically exercise enough and providing enrichment activities can satiate their mind while not over taxing their bodies. This is especially true for breeds such as the ShihTzu or Pug which are prone to brachycephaly (a shortened snout that leads to breathing difficulties) or very small dogs like Chihuahuas or Malteses. 

When dogs lack confidence (like many small dogs), enrichment activities can make them more secure and less anxious in new situations. This is because the enrichment activities leads to dogs who practice better decision making and problem solving skills and they are more likely to explore new environments.

If you're interested in exploring the world of enrichment activities, check out our blog and website, as well as our TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube pages which have videos on how to get started!