What Info to Leave for your Petsitter

by Kaitlyn Hennessy on March 26, 2024

You've found an amazing petsitter and now they'll be staying with your pet for a few days or even a few weeks. You met with them and showed them the food and harnesses, so you are all good, right?

Not so fast.

Leaving explicit instructions for your petsitter is absolutely essential for your pet.

Do not expect that they will remember any detail- they likely have a lot of pets that they care for, and your pet's needs and wants are important- so make it very clear. Also, label everything!

  • Feeding instructions, including where the food is kept, how much is given, what bowls you use, where the dogs eat, and at what time. Also, if treats are given, when and which treats are appropriate. Also, what if they don't finish their food?
  • Medication instructions- be very explicit about where the medication is (even better if you can put pills into daily pillboxes) and how you give it, especially if there is a special order to give the medication. Also, any special "tips and tricks" to giving those medications. For example, my petsitter watched a cat that needed the pill pocket with the pill given in between two crunchy treats or the cat would spit out the pill pocket! 
  • Any quirks or unique traits- for example, one of my dogs used to skip a meal or two when I would leave town. As long as it didn't go past 24 hours, it was fine. Another dog had a specific way she told you she needed to go outside to potty. Do not hold back with ANY details or "weird things".
  • Emergency instructions, including the contact information of your regular vet as well as your preferred emergency vet and directions/address. Any allergies that you dog has should also be included. I also call my vet and send an email letting them know that X person will be caring for my pets and to inform them who has authority to make medical decisions in my absence. I also leave a credit card on file at the veterinarian so there is no possible reason my pets can't get the treatment they need.
  • Local backup contact information- this is especially important if you are out of town. Who can make decisions about your pet in your absence? 
  • Where your dog loves to sleep, any hiding places (this is especially true for our super tiny friends!), any commands that they respond to...
  • Any toys or activities they really love!

Do not worry about overloading your petsitter with too much information. Imagine if you were in their shoes, and wanted to make your pet(s) as comfortable as possible. You'd want as much detail as possible so you could make the experience as positive as you could. I have even made short videos for my petsitters on medication and feeding so they could see how I did it, and sent videos of any changed behavior.

With all of this, you can make sure your dog is left in the best possible hands and has a great time in your absence!