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Why Do Dogs Like Being Under Blankets?

by Kaitlyn Hennessy on April 22, 2024

If your dog has been digging in bed, this is the article for you!

Frequently, I get the question, "why does my dog burrow under blankets?" because this behavior is so common with many small dog breeds, especially Chihuahua types. However, it's not exclusive to Chihuahuas- Dachshunds, Terriers, and even the giant Husky (snowpack, anyone?) are known for their burrowing tendencies.

Burrowing is one of the most instinctual behaviors for dogs, and the proclivity has been noted in wolves and foxes as well, showing its' evolutionary component. The act of digging, scratching, and circling is primal in nature and one way that dogs fulfill their instinctual need- something we love to talk about here at Bits and Paws. Through fulfilling a dog's instinctual need, we allow them to satiate their brains and engage their minds in a productive manner. Instinctually, dogs love to "den" and through "denning" they feel more protected and warm while sleeping and relaxing. 

When you see your dog digging in their bed, pulling the blankets into that oh-so-perfect position, that is your dog's way of engaging their mind and creating a challenge for themselves. This instinctual behavior allows them to build confidence in their ability to create and maintain their own space.

It also leaves their scent all around them- creating an olifactory sense of safety for them. When a dog works the blankets around into their desired spot, they spread their scent onto those blankets and now, snuggled deep underneath the blankets, they are also surrounded by the smell of themselves! This is especially important for an anxious or nervous dog, or dogs new to your home.

The act of digging and scratching also allows dogs to check for predators like spiders and snakes which could be lurking under the dirt below them- unlikely in that cozy Taart bed from Lambwolf Collective, but still important to their need to feel safe in their space.

If your dog likes to burrow- let them! Give them the best snag proof blankets (knits are terrible for burrowing- so many snagged nails!) and a cozy bed they can dig into. You can vary the kind of blankets based on season- lighter weight options for summer, and heavier for winter... this will allow your dog to stay denning all year long, no matter the temperature. And don't forget to let your dog take their favorite blankets along if they go someplace- it will help them feel safer to be surrounded by their familiar blankets and their own scent!