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Why Does My Small Dog Love to be Carried?

by Kaitlyn Hennessy on March 15, 2024

It seems to be all the rage- small dogs in bags, in strollers- even in backpacks! Or, of course, being hand carried in the arms of their beloved owner. There are some seriously practical reasons behind many of them loving to be carried instead of walking.

Sometimes, it helps at the end of the walk- their tiny legs wear out and they need to be carried to safely get home. Other times, it's a way of having your older or mobility impaired dog get more exposure to the outside world.

However, for a lot of small dogs, they love to be carried because they can see everything. Imagine if you were miniature in size, and now you had the ability to have the vantage point of gaining an extra five or six feet! They can now see the whole world from up high and and gain confidence.

They also typically love to be close to their people, and being carried means they are about as close as they can be.

Finally, the world can be a scary place when you are only 5-10 pounds, and many small dogs simply feel safer being carried. This is especially true if your dog has had scary encounters with larger dogs or predators.

Carrying your small dog can be practical or simply because your dog loves it... whatever it is, it's a special time for you and your dog!