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Paws Up Blog

Does Your Dog Need Space?

Does Your Dog Need Space?

I get asked a lot how to know if someone's dog needs more space- they often are worried they aren't giving the dog enough attention, or fear the dog is getting overwhelmed with the contact or attention. Often times, dogs communicate to us that they need space by growling, snarling, or even biting. Understand, that while these are undesireable behaviors, they stem (at their core) from a dog who feels their boundaries are being violated. It may not be appropriate (in your mind) for the dog to feel their boundaries are being violated, but the dog is trying to assert...
on March 17, 2024
small chihuahua shih tzu being carried in dog backpack on hike

Why Does My Small Dog Love to be Carried?

It seems to be all the rage- small dogs in bags, in strollers- even in backpacks! Or, of course, being hand carried in the arms of their beloved owner. There are some seriously practical reasons behind many of them loving to be carried instead of walking. Sometimes, it helps at the end of the walk- their tiny legs wear out and they need to be carried to safely get home. Other times, it's a way of having your older or mobility impaired dog get more exposure to the outside world. However, for a lot of small dogs, they love to...
on March 15, 2024
All About Chihuahuas

All About Chihuahuas

The world's smallest dog breed, by definition, is beloved by many and oddly hated by some. These pint sized pooches are loyal and usually "one person" dogs, faithfully following their owners everywhere. Velcro dog, anyone? I was first introduced to chihuahuas by a dear friend of mine who rescued them by the dozen, it seemed- and found all of them amazing homes. I fell in love with them when I realized how immensely loyal and courageous they are. Many know that they are from the Mexican state of Chihuahua, but did you know they originated from the ancient Aztec and...
on March 13, 2024
enrichment toys for tiny chihuahua dogs

Getting Started with Enrichment Toys

If you're looking to get started with enrichment toys for your small dogs, here are a few quick tips to get you started and help your dog to gain confidence in this process.
on March 09, 2024
dog medications for sick small dogs

Oral Medication Administration

Picture it. You're at the vet and they say the dreaded words- "Your dog needs to take this medication"- and you know your dog hates taking medication. This could be anything from a short course of robaxin or amoxicillin or a longer term medication like apoquel, pimobendan, furosemide, or Previcox. Your first step is to ask the crucial details while you are at the vet- what is this medication going to do? What side effects should I watch out for? What form (liquid, pill, powder, etc) is this medication in? How should this medication be stored? How much of this...
on December 08, 2022
shih tzu who loves to travel waits for dinner

A Safe Thanksgiving for Your Petite Pup

Thanksgiving is upon us, and plenty of small dogs will be underfoot as turkeys fly out of the oven and guests drop pieces of pie.  How can you keep your small dog safe? The first consideration will be if you are hosting this year's dinner. If you aren't, try to make plans for a friend or neighbor to check in on your dog if you'll be gone longer than normal.  If you are hosting, your first consideration is your small dog's safety with so many visitors. Is everyone used to dogs? Are there any small children who may be drawn...
on November 20, 2022


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